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探讨了瑜伽现代化过程中精神实践的认知转向与推广模式转型及其影响。瑜伽在传统文化环境中是印度本土宗教中实现宗教目的的修行方式,是传统哲学中达到自我完满状态的重要途径,是通过离群苦修达到“梵我合一”的手段。在现代化过程中,瑜伽通过融合心灵哲学、引入世俗目标、融入现实生活等方式实现了精神实践的认知转向。在现代瑜伽推广过程中,通过增强主体的多元性、形式的时代性、内容的功能性等方式实现了推广模式的转型,为世界“瑜伽热”提供助力,也为中国传统体育运动的发展传播提供了启示。  相似文献   
以人民健康为中心,主动健康为导向,发挥全民科学健身在健康促进、慢性病预防和康复等方面的积极作用,把健康关口前移到健康维护和疾病防控,推动形成“体医融合”的疾病管理与健康服务模式,是健康中国行动的目标与任务。国家运动处方库建设是在健康中国战略指引下,在借鉴学习国外运动处方研究、推广和应用先进成果的基础上,通过对我国运动处方内容系统、运动处方师培训系统、运动处方应用系统的构建,通过健康人群、疾病风险人群、慢性疾病人群、功能受损人群、发展性障碍人群运动处方的制定及运动处方推广应用路径的选择,将我国运动处方的研究、推广和应用向着科学、严谨、规范、深入推进,让具有科学性、针对性、有效性、可操作性并适合中国人体质特点的运动处方惠及我国亿万民众,为增强国民体质、增进国民健康,实现健康中国目标做出应有贡献,为世界运动处方的理论与实践提供中国经验与借鉴。  相似文献   
Recruiting and preparing STEM majors for teaching has become one of the major efforts at improving mathematics and science teacher quality at secondary level. One question is whether STEM majors who have not had the chance to experience active learning in mathematics and science classes as secondary students themselves know what inquiry pedagogy is. Secondly, it is unclear whether those who experienced inquiry in their college introductory discipline courses will be able to utilize the pedagogy in teaching secondary content. We address these questions through studying an undergraduate research methods course designed to improve STEM majors’ capacity for delivering inquiry-based mathematics and science lesson. Analysis of data from pre-and-post course surveys and students’ written research reports including students’ reflection on their inquiry projects suggests that offering future STEM teachers opportunities to conduct inquiry and reflect explicitly on how inquiry can be used to teach secondary content is important and beneficial.  相似文献   
长期以来,高职院校思想政治理论课教师与专业课教师队伍建设相比重视不够,评价体系不尽合理,教师职称晋升难,思政课部和思政教研室等基层教学组织建设滞后等,导致高职院校思政课教师队伍建设存在着数量不足、结构不尽合理、能力不强等问题。因此,高职院校要高度重视思政课教师队伍建设,要对标要求、科学规划、强化落实,要关心、支持思政课教师的成长,推动思政课教师队伍持续健康发展。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、实地调查等研究方法,对我国高校体育场馆对外开放突发事件应急管理现状进行调查分析。发现目前我国高校体育场馆对外开放过程中,存在缺乏突发事件应急预案的研制、对安全风险评估不足、缺乏急救设施的配置、场馆现场管理人员缺乏应急管理的培训与演练、场馆现场管理人员数量不足的问题。在高校体育场馆突发事件应急管理发展现状基础上,依托应急管理理论与应急救援理论,架构由突发事件识别与评估模块、决策系统模块、应急救助体系模块、应急预案选择模块、应急救援的执行模块所组成的我国高校体育场馆对外开放突发事件应急管理机制。建议:完善场馆管理规章制度,形成场馆对外开放突发事件应急长效管理机制;加强员工的应急管理理论培训与技能学习;制定各类应急预案并进行演练;保持突发事件应急救援稳定的对外联系畅通。  相似文献   
高职思想政治课的学习效果直接关系到立德树人这一根本任务的落实。在影响高职思想政治课学习效果的诸多因素中,学生自身需求是关键因素。针对这一关键因素,高职思想政治课教师需要综合运用多种措施满足学生需求,提高思想政治课学习效果,真正落实立德树人的根本任务。  相似文献   
As counselor preparation programs are compelled to demonstrate student social and cultural competence, valid inventories are needed to measure development consistent with contemporary standards. The Intersectional Privilege Screening Inventory was created for this purpose, was assessed using 4 types of validity evidence, and has results supporting its use in student development.  相似文献   

This article reports on issues of diversity in the context of widening participation in global higher education (HE). Mature students represent a third of the HE student population in Australia, Canada, UK and the USA. More research is needed to understand factors that can facilitate or hinder access to HE for this group. The aim of this study was to examine factors that a small group of mature students perceived influenced them as they made the decision to take up HE. Six undergraduate students at a British university who were on track to finish their studies took part in semi-structured interviews. All participants were white and from families with no previous experience of HE. Mean age was 42.7 years (range 35–51), and 50% were female. The interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Through using phenomenological analysis to analyse perceptions of changing motivation and goals during the decision-making process to take up HE, a detailed understanding of the complexity of these change processes was obtained. The analysis offers evidence that mature students experience far-reaching personal and social changes related to their decision to enter HE and adds a novel understanding of these identity-changes. This new insight is of fundamental importance to the field because the novel understanding of mature students’ meaning-making could be used to tailor interventions to facilitate access to HE for mature students.  相似文献   
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) strives to shift science learning from the teacher as a single cognitive agent, to a classroom community in which participants are working together in directing the classroom's communal knowledge to figure out questions about how phenomena occur, and building, testing, and refining their ideas to address those questions. To achieve this type of classroom environment, teachers should attend to students' knowledge and ideas and pay attention to how students are located within teacher-led interactions, such as being positioned as active discussants or designated listeners. In this study, we explore if and how this is occurring in the NGSS era. We used a naturalistic inquiry to explore how an experienced first-grade teacher used a new NGSS-aligned unit that called for students to use the science and engineering practices (SEP) to build content knowledge. We used a macro-analytic lens to answer the research question “how are class discussions shaped to address the SEP”? We used a micro-analytic lens to answer the research question “how are students positioned during these science discussions in this classroom?” Evidence suggests that the teachers' whole class discussions incorporated and involved the SEP which were specified in the unit lessons for content learning. However, on a micro-analytic level, we found that few students were positioned as active discussants. The teacher heavily relied on those students who could provide succinct and clearly relevant answers while positioning the remainder of the students as silent spectators. Implications from this research suggest that not only new NGSS curriculum materials need to focus on what students should know and do but they also need to address heuristics for teachers that show them how to position all of their students as active doers of science so all students have opportunities to build deeper, core science knowledge.  相似文献   
在新时代背景下,“金课”概念和标准的提出为高校思想政治理论课改革创新提供了新的契机,建设思政“金课”势在必行。“伟大民族精神”是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容之一,也是高校思想政治理论课的重要教学内容。基于“金课”建设的标准,以“伟大民族精神”内容教学的视角,着力探讨高校思政“金课”建设之道,提高思政课教育教学的实效性。  相似文献   
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